Liberalisasi Pendidikan “Pelecehan Terhadap Martabat Bangsa

Afrizal S. Fil,. M. Si


Higher education, a very important thing in the present era where higher education becomes a very important thing and determine the position of an individual and even their future in a society and make the individual into a full individual. Because this is supposed to be higher education is intended for the public and should be for anyone in authority in controlling higher education makes higher education as a public domain. But lately there have been many private parties that set up higher education institutions such as universities, while this is due to the liberalization of higher education by the government through a series of laws. Behind the WTO's ruling at annual meeting meetings there is a discourse to liberalize education which is then realized by member countries including Indonesia through a series of laws.

This research led to a temporary answer, namely the impact of uneven distribution of higher education is the concentration of higher education, the increase of the number of people who can not continue to higher education until the rise of poverty. Where poverty continues to occur due to the low education of an individual, To the existing social impact of rising crime rates due to poverty.

Keywords: Liberalism; Globalization; Higher Education; Higher Education in Indonesia; World Trade Organization (WTO).

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